The Merry Month of May
- 2024/05/09 -

In this beautiful month of May religious and mundane festive days go hand in hand: the Catholics' celebration of Christ's Ascension is followed by the profane Mother's day, and afterwards everybody is looking forward to Pentecost and its Whitsun holidays.

We can just hope that the weather will come up to our expectations - as we all know, according to a popular saying "April has its own mind", and very often we have to cope with the presence of the so-called Frost Saints in European countries in May, because a sudden cold snap sends mercury tumbling overnight and destroys the breathtaking view of our surroundings in bloom.

So we have to try a fortiori to enjoy the beauty of nature in its present abundance, and that is why we would like to make you share with us the richness and the splendid colors of the blossoms in our garden.

German Hospice St. Charles Jerusalem - Lloyd George Street 12, 91080 Jerusalem, Israel - Tel. 00972 2 5637737 -