Advent in St. Charles 2017
- 2017/12/18 -
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates! Behold, the King of Glory waits;
The King of kings is drawing near, The Savior of the world is here.
Life and salvation He doth bring, Wherefore rejoice and gladly sing:
We praise Thee, Father, now,Creator, wise art Thou!

The community of St. Charles uses Advent for preparing for the coming of our Lord. During the weeks of Advent we sing together, celebrate Rorate Masses, read the Gospel, stay in silence and also meet sometimes for candle light celebrations with Advent songs and special tasty cookies.
"Wait for the Lord, his day is near ..."

Special thanks to Fr. Andreas Fritsch for his great photos!
German Hospice St. Charles Jerusalem - Lloyd George Street 12, 91080 Jerusalem, Israel - Tel. 00972 2 5637737 -