Temptations in the desert
- 2019/06/10 -
There is hardly a Christian who is not familiar with this experience: after times of special closeness to God and help, on the path of succession you also feel times of desert, drought and darkness. For some, it takes days, sometimes months, sometimes even years.

A trip by some of our volunteers to thank for your services in St. Charles made us more aware of this experience. Because on a hot June day we went into desert and through a dry river valley in Wadi Qelt, near the Georgian monastery. And in Jericho, one of the oldest cities in the world, we took the cable car up to the Greek Orthodox Qarantal Monastery, high on the mountain in the rocks, reminiscent of the temptation of Jesus by the devil.

Where is God in my  times of drought, in my times and places of desert?
Experiences and places like these, as Jesus himself experienced, are a special test for us and our faith. But desert times are also times when we are changed. God uses them to shape us and to give spiritual growth.

Our excursion took us - thank be to God - after a few hours out of the desert and into the fruitful landscape of the See of Galilee. And there we could meet Him at special places:

Jesus, who calles Zacchaeus to come down from the tree (in Jericho);
Jesus, who cast out demons from Mary of Magdala (Magdala);
Jesus, who let himself be touched by the blood-liquid woman (Magdala);
Jesus, who called the disciples (at the Sea of Galilee);
Jesus, who preached open hearted(Mount of the Beatitudes);
Jesus, who shared bread and wine for all (Tabgha);
Jesus, the Risen One, who was waiting for the disciples at the shore (Dalmanutha).

From the drought to the water. From the drought to life. From loneliness to the encounter with the Risen One, who bore his cross for us.
On this day our small group was allowed to spend a contemplative, but also very happy day between Jerusalem and Lake Genesareth.
German Hospice St. Charles Jerusalem - Lloyd George Street 12, 91080 Jerusalem, Israel - Tel. 00972 2 5637737 -